Activity calendar 2024

Activity calendar for Henneby Camping.
All activities are free for the campground's guests.
External visitors are kindly requested to register at the reception with a fee of 25 DKK per person.
*we reserve the right to make changes

An overview of upcoming activities

July and August - preliminary dates:
Music at the campsite with Flemming Roth
on Friday the 19th of July, Friday the 26th of July and Friday the 2nd of August 2024. 

Snobrød and bonfire nights: dates will be provided.

More activities to come.

19/7 from 20:00-23:00

Music with Flemming Roth
We are excited to present an evening of coziness and music with the talented musician, Flemming Roth! Flemming Roth is an experienced musician who has entertained audiences with his fantastic voice and versatile musical repertoire for many years. He is known for creating a cozy and festive atmosphere where everyone can sing along and dance to his music.

We encourage all campers to participate in this cozy event! It's a fantastic opportunity to meet other campers, enjoy great music, and create memories together. Remember to bring a camping chair or blanket so you can relax and enjoy the music in comfort. Beer, wine, and soft drinks can be purchased at the store, so please refrain from bringing your own beverages.

26/7 from 20:00-23:00

Music with Flemming Roth
We are excited to present an evening of coziness and music with the talented musician, Flemming Roth! Flemming Roth is an experienced musician who has entertained audiences with his fantastic voice and versatile musical repertoire for many years. He is known for creating a cozy and festive atmosphere where everyone can sing along and dance to his music.

We encourage all campers to participate in this cozy event! It's a fantastic opportunity to meet other campers, enjoy great music, and create memories together. Remember to bring a camping chair or blanket so you can relax and enjoy the music in comfort. Beer, wine, and soft drinks can be purchased at the store, so please refrain from bringing your own beverages.

2/8 from 20:00-23:00

Music with Flemming Roth
We are excited to present an evening of coziness and music with the talented musician, Flemming Roth! Flemming Roth is an experienced musician who has entertained audiences with his fantastic voice and versatile musical repertoire for many years. He is known for creating a cozy and festive atmosphere where everyone can sing along and dance to his music.

We encourage all campers to participate in this cozy event! It's a fantastic opportunity to meet other campers, enjoy great music, and create memories together. Remember to bring a camping chair or blanket so you can relax and enjoy the music in comfort. Beer, wine, and soft drinks can be purchased at the store, so please refrain from bringing your own beverages.

Snobrød - dates will follow
From 19:00 o'clock

Join us for a nice and cozy evening around the bonfire, where we will be making the Danish "snobrød" - bread made over the bonfire.
The event is free for guests at Henneby Camping, otherwise the price is 25 DKK. Bonfire starts at 19:00 o'clock